Friday, May 14, 2010

Video Downloader Software Saving Online Videos Made Easy

Online Video Downloader SoftwareWith thousands of web pages and files added every day, sharing is the cornerstone of the web, and online video is all the rage these days. With it's oft times comic whimsies and profound sentiment, online videos are arguably the most popular form of shared content on today’s internet. And while uploading videos has become so easy it’s practically an automated service, the same can’t be said for downloading them. It could be that a family member or friend uploaded a video you want to show others. Maybe you keep an archive of files for creative inspiration. And, if you’re like me, having these files on-hand is more convenient than bookmarking every video worth remembering. Whatever the reason, saving online video files isn’t as easy as, say, saving an image. Many times, these files are encoded in a way that makes saving them locally near-impossible if you don’t have the right tools.

Enter FlashLynx video downloader. Downloading video files shouldn’t be as difficult as it is, so make it easy on yourself. FlashLynx is a free, user-friendly online video downloading program for Windows. Simply type in the web URL of the video you want to download, choose the video file format (there’s over a half dozen to choose from), decide where to save it, and you’re done. Simple.

FlashLynx is also a stand-alone program, not a shady online video conversion service hiding in a dark lonely corner of the internet. So if you have a list of YouTube videos you've been wanting to burn to edit video clips together from, burn to DVD, or simply save, mosey on over to NCH, well-lit part of the internet, and download your free copy of FlashLynx video downloader software.

