Monday, May 15, 2017

How to make a YouTube video like a pro in 5 easy steps

Things you need

  • Media for your video - This could be anything from a video recording, webcam recording, stock video, just some video that you shot on your phone or camcorder, photos, slides, collages, animation clips or a mix of any of the stated options.

  • A Video Editor - An intuitive, easy to use video editing software (Download VideoPad, an award winning video editor, which now has an exciting new feature - 360 editing)

Now let's get started

Step 1
Import your media into a Video Editing Software. If the media is already a video, you can upload it to YouTube as is, but it's always a good practice to clean up the video to make it sharp, crisp and web friendly before upload. Also, to make it more visually appealing by adding stunning video transitions and effects.

VideoPad - Add Media

Step 2
Once you import your footage, the next step is to make it more exciting by editing the various media pieces together so it plays like a movie.

You may want to do one or more of the following
  • Adjust the resolution - For an HD video 1280*720 is a good resolution to work with whereas for places where you want to load the video quickly you may want to opt for a lower resolution.
  • Edit Clip Speed - Get rid of unnecessary frames, play the video slower where more detail and emphasis is required.
  • Add Transitions and Effects - Apply transitions when switching from frame to frame, add effects for a professional touch.
  • Content Frames - If you plan to divide your video into different sections then adding content frames is a good idea, it lets the viewer know what the next part of the video is all about.
  • Add background score, audio recording, music, commentary or narration to your video.
  • Overlay text for captions and movie credits
You can find tutorials for adding media, effects, changing clip speeds, adding a logo or watermark, and adding text to your video here :

Step 3
Take a final look at the To-be YouTube video and enhance it - fine tune colours and visual effects, slow down, speed up or reverse video clip playback, reduce camera shakes. Make sure you get the same experience as you get while watching a movie.

Step 4
Export your video to YouTube, some video editors let you export the video directly to YouTube if you have connected the account already.

VideoPad - Export Video

Otherwise you can just save the video in the best suited format - a format which is accepted by Youtube and one which is lossless.

Step 5
Log into your YouTube account and upload the video. Optimise the video for YouTube and the web by adding notations, annotations and captions. You can also add a transcript which appears below the YouTube video as well.

Now you are all set to show the world your movie making skills - Go ahead and share it with the world using FB, Instagram or share the YouTube link on other sites.

Wasn't that EASY ... :)
