Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tell Us What You Think

Free PitchPerfect iphone Tuning app AppleRepo recently posted a user review of our Free PitchPerfect Tuning Software, written by Oswaldo Suástegui. The article focused on PitchPerfect for the iPhone, but PitchPerfect is also available for Windows, Mac and Pocket PC mobile devices. Read Suástegui's complete PitchPerfect User Review to learn why he prefers PitchPerfect to some of the other guitar tuning applications he has tried.

We enjoy hearing about what our users think and how they use our products so much that I wanted to make it easier for you share your experiences. Today I gave our blog a little face lift and added the Contact Form so that you have an easier way to get in touch with us. Use the contact form to let us know what you think about NCH applications, to share your stories and experiences, to contact us about guest posting about software, suggest topics for us to post about, or about putting together a case study. We look forward to hearing from you!
